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7 Things to Think About When Buying Orthopaedic Shoes for Kids

If your child has complained about foot and leg pain, you may have been recommended orthopaedic shoes by their doctor or other moms.

But what exactly are orthopaedic shoes, and what do you need to think about when buying them for the first time?

Types of Shoes for Kids That They Need in Their Wardrobe

A child learning to walk gets important sensory information just from the soles of their feet touching the ground. Footwear with proper support helps protect developing feet from injury and the heat and cold.

Orthopaedic Shoes for Toddlers

Your child's feet grow the fastest during their first three years. Therefore, failing to invest in supportive footwear can result in various problems, from heel pain to foot defects.

That said, the best orthopaedic shoes for toddlers can ensure the perfect fit and ultimately support healthy foot growth.

Fun (Out of the Sun) in the Land Down Under

While rainy weather isn’t always a factor in your outdoor activity plans, there may be days where the skies say it’s time to stay indoors. And on these days, the youngest members of your family will drive each other (and...

12 Tipps zur Erziehung unabhängiger Kinder

Selbstständige Kinder zu erziehen ist kein leichtes Unterfangen. Es ist ein komplexes Gemisch aus Zurückhaltung, Liebe, Verständnis, Unterstützung und Disziplin. Eltern würden am liebsten alles für ihre Kinder tun. Aber sie zu verwöhnen, alles für sie zu tun und sie...

New Summer.  New Brand. New Collection.

We are taking the company and our commitment to providing premium quality children’s shoes to the next level! We are proud to introduce new summer collection of specially designed orthopaedic and anatomic footwear for young kids under the First Walkers...


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