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Are flat feet and weight linked in children? – The Shoe Crew – First Walkers Community

Are flat feet and weight linked in children?

Asked a year ago

Hey, my toddler has always been on the larger side and I recently noticed they have flat feet. I'm wondering if this is just a coincidence or if there's a connection. Any insights or advice would be appreciated.

Randall Caldwell

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Although it is suggested that flat feet are often inherited genetically, there have been numerous studies suggesting that there is also a link between flat feet and being overweight in childhood. In fact, it has been suggested that overweight children are three times more likely to develop flat feet. This may be because of increased body weight putting extra strain and pressure on the feet during growth, causing the development of flattened arches. Lack of exercise has also been found to contribute to flat feet. Encouraging a healthy diet, body weight and regular exercise are all steps which can help to improve your child’s foot health.

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